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Vegetarian Dish

Who doesn’t love a fabulous dish with all your favourite veggies? This is one of our “go to” meals when time is short, and tummies are growling. I usually always have a crisper drawer full of vegetables, and my family enjoys these healthy fast meals. I like to shop at least twice a week for produce so it is fresh. I don’t buy a ton at a time, but just enough for a few meals, so it doesn’t go to waste.

My grocery list always consists of green onions, cremini mushrooms, asparagus, lemons, grape tomatoes, and whatever I feel is needed or wanted at the time. You can make a variety of dishes with all of these together, or in separate dishes. When you work a full day and come home to “Mom what’s for dinner?” you open the fridge and start throwing things on the counter to cut up. This is usually my life a few days a week and by the time I am done cooking, that bottle of wine I just opened is almost gone LOL.

Chop and prep all your ingredients you plan on putting in your skillet. Make sure to add a little Olive oil and turn to a medium heat. You can add some garlic, a teaspoon from a jar or a few cloves diced up. Next throw in those veggies and mix into the oil and garlic. This is when I like to also add some butter... not a lot just enough for some flavour. Set your lid half on so that some steam can escape but still making sure enough is there to help soften the veggies. Grind some salt and pepper over your creation for more flavour.

Adding some feta is one of my favourite extra things to do with this dish. It’s important to not overcook your asparagus, no one likes mushy greens. This is why it is not overly time consuming, because the best way to eat asparagus is when it still has some crunch to it. Super easy and full of flavours. If vegetarian is not your style..... Add some protein ...or you can add a starch, like pasta or gnocchi. Heck add both a protein and a starch!!!!!!!

Enjoy your food.. You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach :)


Amanda ❤️

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