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Pizza on the Smoker.. Or in the Oven

An all time favourite of most households is Pizza. Like, come on who doesn't love a great pizza. I love making homemade dough and letting the kids pile up their favourite toppings. The variety of garnishes to choose from, are endless possibilities. My family really enjoys a thin crust with a soft edge.


● 3.5 cups Flour

● 3 tablespoons Olive Oil

● 1 teaspoon Coarse Salt

● 3 tablespoons Sugar

● Package of yeast

● Garlic

● Butter

● Everything bagel seasoning

● 1 1⁄3 cup warm water

● Small can of pizza sauce

● Bag of pizza mozzarella

● Assortment of meats

● Assortment of veggie toppings

You will need

● 2 deep bowls

● 1 dish that will hold 2 cups of liquid

● Measuring cups

● Measuring spoons

● Saran wrap

● 2 bbq/smoker sheets

● Spatula

● Wooden spoon

● BBQ brush


1. Take your small dish that will hold up to 2 cups of liquid and add 1 1⁄3 of warm water to it. Take 3 tablespoons of sugar and whisk together. Once mixed sprinkle the package of yeast over top. Leave this for 10 mins or until it begins to bubble. It must bubble, this is the yeast activating. Once the yeast is activated add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and stir.

2. In one of your mixing bowls add 3 1⁄2 cups of flour and 1 tsp of course salt and mix well. Create a well in the middle of the flour mixture and pour your yeast mixture in. Blend together, and be aware it is going to be clumpy and not fully bonded together. It will be a “ruff dough”

3. Lightly flour the surface of your counter, turn the dough out onto the floured surface. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 mins. Sprinkle more flour if needed.

4. Form the dough into 2 even balls.

5. Take the 2 bowls and lightly oil them and place one ball in each bowl. Lightly oil each

one and cover with Saran Wrap. Let sit until double the size ... about an hour to hour

and a half

6. Once your dough has risen, take both bbq sheets and lay them out on the counter.

These sheets are non stick but you can always put a thin coat of oil on to help spread

the dough and keep it from sticking.

7. Take one of the balls and push down in the middle and work your way to the edges to

create a circle ... the base of the pizza. Or make whatever shape you desire. Do this with the other ball on the second bbq sheet. The kids love making their own shapes and they feel pretty important when helping.

8. Whisk together some melted butter, garlic powder/fresh garlic and a generous amount of everything bagel seasoning. Take your sauce brush and generously go around the edges of your pizza. I like to have a good size edge so i go about 1-1.5 inches all the way around.

9. Open your pizza sauce and divide it between the 2 pizzas and spread evenly.

10. I like to add a sprinkle of cheese before i put the toppings on. Now et the kids go for it

and build their favourite masterpiece. Finishing it off with a little.. Or a ton of cheese.

If you are cooking on the Smoker/BBQ make sure your temp is about 350-400 and there is NO flame. Close the lid and cook for about 10 mins.. Take a peek and check every few mins until your desired crust has been achieved.

In the oven, set your oven to about 375-400 and bake for about 10 mins or until your crust is slightly brown.. Or until you have the desired crust.

For Either Cooking Unit....

Take off earlier, as soon as you see the crust beginning to brown, will give you a softer crust. Bake longer for a crispier edge.



Sylvan Lake, AB

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