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Now of course everyone has their own favorite way to make meatballs, and I always change the way I make them somewhat. Meatballs are such a versatile food and can be frozen for many other ideas. I personally love using a rose or marinara sauce, baking them with cheese (usually more than one cheese is needed for this entire recip) and serving with rice or mashed potatoes. For my family I try to make them as healthy as possible using ground chicken, turkey mixed with ground pork.


  • Ground Beef for regular meatballs orn use Ground Turkey/Chicken and mix with Ground Pork

  • Garlic diced up

  • Bacon puffs (for flavour or for those keto lovers) or your favourite crackers smashed up

  • Egg

  • Red onion diced

  • A few roasted red peppers chopped

  • Sun Dried tomatoes(jar) and about a tablespoon of the oil from the jar

  • A couple good flavourful cheeses cubed up … swiss, smoked gouda, old cheddar, feta

  • Salt and pepper


  • Thyme

  • Basil

  • Tomato sauce

  • Cheese… i usually use 2


  • Flat baking pan

  • Parchment paper

  • Bowl for mixing

  • Bowl for sauce

  • Foil

  • Baking dish


Make sure you have all that is needed out and space to work. Turn on your oven to 400-410 degrees. Start by dicing and chopping up your ingredients and adding them into the mixing bowl. Pick one cheese and add into the bowl, and Smash up your bacon puffs or crackers and add them as well. Crack your egg and add the tablespoon of oil from the sun dried tomatoes. Next is your meat, and begin mixing together until fully blended. Line your flat baking sheet with the parchment paper. Put into the oven and bake until the outside of the meatballs have a nice dark coating on them, and remember to flip about 15-20 mins into the process.

While your meatballs are baking in the oven take your other mixing bowl and add the tomato sauce , and seasonings, mixing well. Once meatballs are done, turn the temp down to 375 degrees. transfer them into the baking dish and pour the sauce over the top. Add your cheese… be generous trust me!!!! Cover your baking dish and place back into the oven for about 40 mins. Take the foil off for the last 10 mins to brown.

There are so many things that you can use as a side dish …

  • Pasta

  • Rice

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Spaghetti squash

The ideas are endless


Sylvan Lake AB

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1 comentario

12 sept 2021

The basil and feta was a good accent with all the cheese

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