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Meat Buns

Updated: Nov 25, 2021

Meat Buns

An easy win for the whole family!!!! This can be done in so many ways, but I have ONE favourite way... Cheeseburger buns!!! I mostly cheat with the dough now due to time , but in the past I have made my own basic dough to create these amazing, delicious, easy kid friendly meals. I have made a ton so I can freeze and reheat for school/work lunches or a fast supper on a busy schedule. Moms trust me, your kids will love these!!!!!!! Double or Triple this Recipe and freeze them for snacks, or lunches for work/school.

This will make about 26 buns


● 2 pounds of ground beef

● Oil

● Salt and pepper

● 2 tablespoons of minced garlic

● 3 green onions chopped

● 5 minced cremini mushrooms

● Mustard

● Bbq sauce

● Grated marble cheese about one bag

● 2 cans of Pilsbury biscuits (10 in a can) or make your own biscuit dough

● Flour

● Water


● Frying pan

● Mixing bowl

● Rolling pin

● Parchment paper

● Muffin pan x2

● Small bowl for the water


● Set the oven at 375 F

● If you decided to cheat and use pre-made biscuits take them out of the can and set

aside on the counter

● Add about a tablespoon of oil to your fry pan and heat. Once your oil is heated add

ground beef and brown, adding salt, pepper and garlic.

● Once ground beef is almost brown add in your mushrooms and green onions and

continue to cook until fully browned.

● Mix in a generous squirt of mustard and BBQ sauce for more flavour.

● Take off the burner and set to the side

● Take your muffin pan and either sprinkle lightly some flour or spray the pan with Pam

● Sprinkle some flour on the counter and take one of the pre-made biscuits and use

your rolling pin to roll them out to about the size of a teacup saucer.

● Take a good tablespoon of our ground beef mixture and put in the middle of the rolled

out dough. Then sprinkle some grated cheese over it

● Now gently pick up and cup the dough and beef mixture into the palm of y9ur hand and gently pinch the ends together.Being careful you don't stretch the dough so your ingredients don't spill out or tear the dough. Dip your fingers in your water bowl and re-pinch the ends together. Making sure it is tucked in and looks like a ball.

● Place into the muffin pan

● Repeat until tin is full

● Bake for 14 mins or until golden brown

❤️ Another favourite way is to use taco seasoning in the ground beef. Make sure you have sour cream on hand to dip into ❤️. You can also incorporate refried beans in as well. There are so many ways to you can put your own spin on this and make it your own!



Sylvan Lake AB

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