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Cheesy Zucchini Wraps

Updated: Mar 26, 2021


Cheesy Zucchini Wraps

Last year I planted my first garden in over 10 years. It flourished so much, and I was overwhelmed at how much it produced. I had so much zucchini that I was giving it away to friends and family. I came across a few great recipes and started cutting, shredding and freezing a ton. Our favourite by far was using the shredded zucchini for wraps!! If you are looking for something healthy, easy and super yummy this is it! My entire family, including the picky ones, loved these wraps. You can use them for almost anything you can imagine. Ours were used for tacos almost every time, because who doesn’t love tacos with some extra zip. They are also an excellent addition to the Keto menu, for those who are looking for ways to hype up your keto dinners.

Super easy, but a little time consuming for the busy mom. My husband has taken over the job of “Zucchini wrap maker”. He also loves to cook almost as much as I do. For our big family we need about 4 cups of shredded zucchini. As most know I don't go directly by a recipe, and usually just throw things together. I am going to try my best here to give you a breakdown of the process. First things first ... Put the shredded zucchini into a strainer... all of it... then in sections I take a little at a time and wring it through a cheesecloth to get as much liquid out as possible. This is important so everything sticks together when you bake them. Once all is strained from the liquid add an egg into the mix and combine together. Now for the fun part... pick a cheese.. We always change it up but love to use cheddar mixed with a jalapeno cheddar for some kick to your wrap. So once you have decided on a cheese... grate a few cups and add to your egg a zucchini mixture. Make sure your product is not dry but wet enough for it to stick together. You can add more egg or cheese as desired.

Next.. line a cookie sheet ion parchment paper, no need to spray the paper. You should be able to get 2-3 wraps to a cookie sheet. In your hands take some of the mixture and ball it up. Place on a cookie sheet and pat out into a circle making sure not to make it too thin but not thick... about the thickness of a normal tortilla wrap. Your oven should be set at about 400 °F to bake the wraps. These need your full attention as they bake... they will bubble and once the edges start to get a crispy brown they are almost done. You will know they are done one they are golden brown so remove from the oven and let cool. Use a spatula to remove carefully. They will be pliable so you can fill them with your desired toppings to enjoy. I hope you and your families enjoy this as much as we do.


Amanda Gibson

Sylvan Lake Alberta

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Mar 19, 2021

Yummmy!! Can’t wait to try it!

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